Оливковое масло экстра вирджин

Оливковое масло экстра вирджин

Холодный отжим в полной мере сохраняет аромат только что собранных оливок. Универсальное масло для холодных и горячих блюд ; высокое качество; разные варианты фасовки. Теперь следует дать ему отстояться — и готово! Поскольку при расщеплении 1 г жира выделяет 9 ккал или 37 кДж, общую энергетическую ценность можно получить, умножив 92 г на 9 или

Полифенолы оливкового масла помогают защитить липиды крови от окислительного стресса. Горький, пряный вкус качественных оливковых масел первого холодного отжима обусловлен содержанием особых антиоксидантов, называемых «полифенолами оливкового масла».

Самые лучшие оливковые масла в Италии

Эти вещества способствуют защите липидов крови от окислительного стресса; ежедневное потребление 20 г оливкового масла первого холодного отжима, содержащего 25 мг полифенолов, оказывает положительный эффект на организм человека.

Благодаря исследованиям по так называемой средиземноморской диете, проводимым с года, считается, что здоровое питание способствует увеличению продолжительности жизни. Средиземноморская диета в году была включена в список нематериального культурного наследия ЮНЕСКО как символ социальности и как одна из наиболее экологически устойчивых моделей питания с точки зрения окружающей среды и здоровья человека. Средиземноморская диета сочетает в себе различные социальные, сельскохозяйственные и кулинарные практики жителей Средиземноморского бассейна, которые разделяют кухню, базирующуюся в основном на хлебе, макаронных изделиях, овощах, бобовых, фруктах, орехах, яйцах, рыбе и молочных продуктах при сокращенном потреблении продуктов животного происхождения, используя оливковое масло в качестве приправы.

Уникальные органолептические свойства и универсальность оливкового масла первого холодного отжима делают его ключевым ингредиентом для некоторых из наиболее известных рецептов в мире. Витамин Е помогает защитить клетки от окислительного стресса. Условия использования Конфиденциальность Политика использования файлов cookie Контакты.

Olive Line

IVA Мононенасыщенные жирные кислоты. Полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты. On the shelves in any shop, and also in our range, you will see three main categories of olive oil suitable for food use:.

Оливковое масло вирджин экстра

The best and most beneficial of these is Extra Virgin, but all three have their own specific characteristics and uses. This oil can be likened to the fresh juice of the olives, like a freshly squeezed fruit juice, without any additives or preservatives.

Как выбрать оливковое масло? Лучшее оливковое масло👍

It is oil that is obtained by purely mechanical pressing of the olives, i. During the production of this oil the olives are not subjected to any processing, except washing, decantation, centrifugation and filtration. It is a product of the highest quality and the way it is produced has hardly altered since the days of ancient Egypt. This type of olive oil has the greatest nutritional value which it retains for 18 months, and in some cases for as long as two years.

Оливковое масло Extra Virgen

It can be used like any other oil, but it is best used when preparing sauces and dressing salads, since it is a purely organic product which has many beneficial properties for a healthy way of life and it should be used just as it is. The flavour of Extra Virgin olive oil depends on the type of olives from which it is made, and comes in various combinations of flavours: green fruit, like young apples or nuts, mountain grass, and tomatoes.

But it should all have a bitter taste. If the oil is young and has only just been produced the bitterness is more marked, and if the oil has been in the bottle for more than six months the bitterness is less strong. This also depends on the type of olives and their blend.

It can be likened to wine. In order to achieve the optimum flavour winemakers mix wine of different types to arrive at the optimum flavour. But unfortunately this type of oil retains its properties less well over time.

All Extra Virgin oils have a maximum acidity of 0. The former means that both the olives and the process of producing the oil from them are from a specific geographical location, in a defined area, which is listed in the European Register under a specific registration number reg N…. This oil is subject to more stringent requirements. The climatic conditions, production traditions, and the types of olives characteristic of the location, prevent the oil from being copied by other producers.

This is why it is very expensive, being comparable in significance to the expensive wines of Rioja or Burgundy. Very little of this oil is produced in all the countries of the Mediterranean, and almost all of it stays in those countries, in Spain, Italy and Greece, for domestic consumption, with almost none of it exported. Only the very well-off can afford to buy this kind of oil.

And only professionals and experienced chefs can fully appreciate it. This oil can be found in luxury gourmet shops around the world. But its healthy properties are no better than those of a simple commercially produced extra virgin olive oil. The difference is only in the flavour. Beware of imitations.

If you come across this type of oil at a low price in ordinary shops it is most probably a clever imitation aimed people with little knowledge of this subject. IGP also denotes that the oil belongs to a specific region listed in the European register of agricultural products and foodstuffs.

Оливковое масло Extra Virgin Organic

In this region one or more stages of the production process may also be protected gathering the raw materials, processing and classifying the olives, producing the oil using a special process, that are historically characteristic of the region. This is a strict code of practice, compliance with which is rigorously controlled by a special independent commission of the European Union.

This oil is also very expensive, little is produced, and it is found only in gourmet shops. Ask for the certificate of origin. The use of synthetic chemical substances and genetically modified organisms is prohibited during all stages of the production process. The soil and the actual olive trees and their fruit can only be treated using organic substances and natural materials. This is monitored by a special independent commission of experts. This type of oil is also very rare and very expensive, and can only be found in gourmet shops.

This is because the organoleptic properties of virgin olive oil are somewhat altered and do not exceed the strict tests of a Tasting Panel and, therefore, do not get enough points to be considered a virgin olive oil "EXTRA". This olive oil is of excellent quality and can be used in any dish or recipe.

In Spain this is the most widely used category of olive oil. It is ideal for frying, since the fact that it contains more stable fatty acids than other vegetable oils means that the smoke point is higher than that for normal frying. Frying food using olive oil does not produce carcinogens.

Оливковое масло холодного и горячего отжима: чему отдать предпочтение?

This oil can also be used for dressing salads, preparing sauces, and it does not taste bitter, if you are not used to a bitter taste. But your dish will still be healthy, without the unique flavour of Extra Virgin olive oil, which imparts unique flavours to any dish.